How to manage a home business during a family crisis

how to manage a home business

I built my business to be present for my family during the changing seasons of life.

Up until now my seasons were pregnancy, new baby, toddler, homeschool mom….and then this past fall that all changed. I felt God calling me to let go of homeschooling. I had no more babies. I thought business was going to get less complicated. I would have more structured days and there would be less to juggle.

But then in December my mom went for foot surgery. This involved a lot of doctor’s appointments until she could drive again. In January my adopted father landed in the hospital for a week. Like my mom he too lived alone and needed help with groceries and doctor’s appointments when he came home. Then at the end of February was in the hospital again, not to return home. In a matter of days he passed. Now that he is gone are other responsibilities (along with my broken heart) like the services, the estate.

Still the phone rings. Clients who have been with me for years need prom dresses hemmed, cushions re-done, and outfits altered for the next big event.

Balancing business while life happens is challenging but there are a few things I have learned over the years.

  1. Honesty – During the midst of the crisis I still return my phone calls and I tell my story. Not as a drama queen expounding on the details, but human to human. The truth is that person has loved ones, they have a heart. When they know that I am behind, or unable to take them because of true family emergencies they are understanding because they know that it happens to everyone. We all have these seasons of life.
  2. Referral – during the crisis the best I could do was refer my clients to other people locally that do the same type of work. I knew that I couldn’t get to the job but I wanted my clients to be taken care of. If you are someone who fears losing your clients this may be hard for you. But I believe your clients will respect you for giving them other options so that their needs are still met. Once you can resume business they will most likely return to you.
  3. Have realistic expectations of yourself – Business isn’t all about the money. You have to serve you. Especially right after my dad passed my emotions were a mess. I could hardly concentrate and I just needed room to breathe. I had to coach myself to come back into work slowly, rather than full speed. God has entrusted you with tending your own heart before you can tend to the work of others. Take this job seriously and set expectations that are realistic for you.

As you go through this season of crisis my prayer for you is Philippians 4:7-8

Lord I pray that your peace would guard the hearts and minds of those going through times of crisis, that Your peace which transcends all understanding would calm any anxiety and cause them to rest in You. Amen

You too can receive His peace by simply thanking Him for it and believing that it is available to you.

[bctt tweet=”The supernatural peace of God will calm your mind.” username=”NaomiFata”]

This post is part of several link ups: #Becoming Press#chasingcommunity #HeartEncouragement and #FreshMarketFriday

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2 thoughts on “How to manage a home business during a family crisis

  1. Great practical advice. I’ve had dreams of expanding my home business to one in a commercial property, but recent family issues have squelched that. It is nice to still have the flexibility to be where I’m most needed by the people closest to me. Praying for God’s peace and comfort as you navigate your new normal.

    1. Liz, one day I too have dreams of commercial property but am waiting to see what God’s timing is. There is so much more flexibility with the family having the business in the house. Praying for you too as you navigate family and business ?

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