Learning to work hard and rest well

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learn to work hard and rest well in your home business

Holy work, in my mind, was confined to church, missionary service, preaching the gospel and prayer.

As a child I always dreamed of doing that kind of holy work.

Yet in my early twenties I was encouraged by my husband and dad to begin a sewing business. They saw that I had a gift to work with my hands, to fix things that no one else knew how to fix. Now ten years later this work has blossomed and prospered.

Yet at times I still hear that thought in the back of my mind, “Is this really the work God has called me to do?”

In her new book, Holy Hustle, Crystal Stine spoke to my heart. She writes on how we are to use the gifts and talents God has given us, right where we are. Back in the garden of Eden when God was in the creative business of making plants, animals and people, He looked at the work of His hands and He said that it was good.

For a creative like me, this is refreshing news. It is a reminder that each day as I stitch a dress, make a slipcover, or hem a pair of jeans, I can step back and give thanks because this is the work God has given me and it is good. It is holy work because it is done for Him, which was the reason for my business logo with Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”

[bctt tweet=”God calls the creative work of your hands good.” username=”NaomiFata”]

Crystal’s heart resonates with my own, as she writes that our work is our mission field. For some God has called to serve in fulltime ministry roles as work and for others the work of our hands is our ministry. When I begin my days asking God to help me faithfully serve my clients He brings people my way who need words or encouragement or prayer or simply a listening hear. My dad always used to say that I should be available, prepared and expecting God to bring someone to me during the day. Over and over He has when my heart is in the right place.

Do you love to thrift?

Did you know that thrifting opens up a whole new world of possibilities when you consider you thrifted options with sewing in mind? This download is filled will ideas about what to look for with some sewing in mind.

Holy Hustle is a reminder to be diligent at the work God has given us to do, but to also take time to rest as well. With a business in the house it has taken effort to learn to rest from work. There are always more projects to do, phone calls to make and emails to respond to. I’ve had to learn to purposefully set boundaries, so I don’t work all the time.

One of the best features of Holy Hustles is the Bible study at the end of each chapter. This brings the focus back to the truth of God’s Word and gives you the opportunity to reflect on how to incorporate this truth your life.

Do you struggle with working hard but not resting well? Check out Crystal’s Holy Hustle quiz to see how you are doing in this area. Or find Holy Hustle on amazon. 

This post is part of several link ups: #Becoming Press #HeartEncouragement and #FreshMarketFriday

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