Finding the strength to be a work at home mom

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devotions for the work at home mom

There are seasons of business, and child rearing when I feel overwhelmed. When phone calls come from clients needing projects for a certain deadline makes me want to rise to the challenge. One of my greatest drives is the desire to serve or to help. I want to rush to help every person and every situation. It might be the brides who realized her dress didn’t fit two days before her wedding. Or it might be the woman wanting to redo the cushions on her patio furniture for the guests she plans to entertain next month.

On the home front, my second graders needs help with his reading homework. The kindergartener has another field trip that she wants mom to go on and the three-year-old just wants to be near me.

All the needs can be overwhelming.

I reflect on the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 1:8 & 9 (NLT) “We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead.”

Paul’s suffering that seemed beyond endurance was of a different nature than mine, yet the hope applies to both his situation and mine. Between business and home when I feel crushed beyond my ability to endure I learn to rely on God rather than on myself.

There are times to step back and re-evaluate but there are also times when I must simply look at the tasks of the day and say, “Help Lord because I can’t do this on my own.”

When I pause to look back on this work at home journey I don’t know how it all worked out. I don’t know how I managed to navigate infancy, toddlerhood and the preschool years while managing clients. Because I know it wasn’t in my strength.

It is when I learn to stop relying on my strength and learn to rely on God that I experience the grace needed for the days.

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2 thoughts on “Finding the strength to be a work at home mom

  1. There’s a huge message in this concise collection of words, and it doesn’t seem we ever grow beyond the point of feeling overwhelmed by the demands of our family and the demands of other responsibilities. Thanks for your insights on where our true strength lies.

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